Friday, February 26, 2021


  1. February 26, 2018 at 5:52 PM


    "You Mean Like a 'Biography'?

    Lois Says She Knows Raymond's Whole Life Story

    She Say That Boy Just Be Eatin' Watermelon

    And That He's Lazy, Next to Illiterate, a Drunk and a Deadbeat"
    HA HA HA


    Fatal 41February 26, 2018 at 5:52 PM

    "*smirk* It Says That Raymond Will Publish a Biography

    &That's What The Big Deal Is"

    '*smirk* A Biography Huh?


    That Must Mean That Boy Is Writing a Biography About His Momma



    That's What That Boy Is Up To

    That&Eatin' #Watermelon'


    Fatal 41February 26, 2018 at 5:53 PM
    "I Thought You Said You Had The Genomes"

    '*smirk* Yeah, Ang and J-Dog Have 'em in their Custody'

    "Uhhh, No They Do Not"

    '*smirk* Yeah They Do'

    "Uhhh, No They Do Not

    What Genomes Are You Thinking Of?"

    'The Kids

    What Else Could They By 'Genomes'?"

    >>>Phuck, you're stupid<<<


    Fatal 41February 26, 2018 at 6:01 PM
    See solomon smirking

    See the woeful misinterpretations

    solomon is gonna lose his composure

    solomon is gonna freak out

    when he sees MY KILLER GENOMES

    Ha Ha Ha

    Hey, #solomon,


    See Verbal Kint in The Computer Lab Laughing

    solomon meets #FATAL #ERROR


    Fatal 41February 26, 2018 at 6:01 PM
    See the woeful misinterpretations

    they tortured louisiana tom for hours

    they raped his women in front of him

    as he was laid out on the floor, his arms broken

    they tortured l.t. for hours

    l.t. met FATAL ERROR

    Oh, Look, louisiana tom #CRASHED


    >>Phuck, you're stupid<<

  2. Fatal 41February 26, 2018 at 5:53 PM
    "I Thought You Said You Had The Genomes"

    '*smirk* Yeah, Ang and J-Dog Have 'em in their Custody'

    "Uhhh, No They Do Not"

    '*smirk* Yeah They Do'

    "Uhhh, No They Do Not

    What Genomes Are You Thinking Of?"

    'The Kids

    What Else Could They By 'Genomes'?"

    >>>Phuck, you're stupid<<<

  3. February 26, 2021 at 12:00 AM
    Fatal 41February 26, 2018 at 5:53 PM
    "I Thought You Said You Had The Genomes"

    '*smirk* Yeah, Ang and J-Dog Have 'em in their Custody'

    "Uhhh, No They Do Not"

    '*smirk* Yeah They Do'

    "Uhhh, No They Do Not

    What Genomes Are You Thinking Of?"

    'The Kids

    What Else Could They By 'Genomes'?"

    >>>Phuck, you're stupid<<<

    February 26, 2021 at 12:00 AM
    Fatal 41February 26, 2018 at 5:53 PM
    "I Thought You Said You Had The Genomes"

    '*smirk* Yeah, Ang and J-Dog Have 'em in their Custody'

    "Uhhh, No They Do Not"

    '*smirk* Yeah They Do'

    "Uhhh, No They Do Not

    What Genomes Are You Thinking Of?"

    'The Kids

    What Else Could They By 'Genomes'?"

    >>>Phuck, you're stupid<<<

    February 26, 2021 at 12:00 AM
    Fatal 41February 26, 2018 at 5:53 PM
    "I Thought You Said You Had The Genomes"

    '*smirk* Yeah, Ang and J-Dog Have 'em in their Custody'

    "Uhhh, No They Do Not"

    '*smirk* Yeah They Do'

    "Uhhh, No They Do Not

    What Genomes Are You Thinking Of?"

    'The Kids

    What Else Could They By 'Genomes'?"

    >>>Phuck, you're stupid<<<

    February 26, 2021 at 12:00 AM
    Fatal 41February 26, 2018 at 5:53 PM
    "I Thought You Said You Had The Genomes"

    '*smirk* Yeah, Ang and J-Dog Have 'em in their Custody'

    "Uhhh, No They Do Not"

    '*smirk* Yeah They Do'

    "Uhhh, No They Do Not

    What Genomes Are You Thinking Of?"

    'The Kids

    What Else Could They By 'Genomes'?"

    >>>Phuck, you're stupid<<<

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